What is summer slide? It sounds fun! Not this slide! The “Summer Slide” is the academic regression children experience during the extended break from school. Children who don’t regularly read during the summer can lose up to three month of reading progress and this has a cumulative, long term effect. We don’t want to start the new school year at a lower reading level.
Removing reading from your daily routine through the summer will give the impression that reading is something the teacher makes us do rather than choosing to do it because we want to. Your teacher may have provided a reading list for the summer. That’s a great place to start! Why not add some rewards for pages, chapters, books, read?
Check out your local library’s summer reading program.
Read to or with your child based on his or her reading level. Good habits are often caught more than taught. Sit down and read on your own and invite your child to join you. Make a fun reading spot at home just like our students have in their classrooms.
Have one or more 30 minute or 60 minute technology-free time each day for reading.
We hope you are enjoying your summer. See you in the Fall!