Financial Aid Programs
General Guidelines
- Families must be current and paid up on tuition and fees in order to be eligible for any type of financial assistance.
- Before applying for CCA assistance, you must show proof that already applied for assistance under the Bison Fund (see link below).
- Families may apply for all forms of financial assistance offered by CCA in which they meet the criteria.
- Current CCA families who receive any form of financial assistance may also be eligible for the Recruiting Incentive (Andrew Voucher).
- All applications are handled with strictest confidentiality.
- All awards are subject to the availability of funds.
Tuition Assistance Fund (TAF)
- Scholarships are available to all families who have been offered enrollment to CCA; and who have completed the application process and meet financial need requirements.
- Scholarships must be requested each year. Applications are available in the CCA Business Office and online from the CCA website.
- Families who already receive a tuition reduction (discount) may also apply for assistance through the CCA TAF Fund. This includes, but is not limited to, CCA and FBC staff, pastors, full time military and full time pastors.
- Families receiving scholarships must keep their tuition accounts current; if not, the School Committee can discontinue the monthly assistance credited to the family’s tuition account.
- Families requesting scholarships must comply with the following application process:
- Parents submit an application to the school office. You can pick up the form in the school office or download it here:
CCA FINANCIAL AID REQUEST FORM - The School Committee will use the application information to determine eligibility and amount of scholarship to be awarded. All awards are subject to availability of funds.
- Scholarship Application deadline for returning students is May 1.
- Scholarship Application deadline for new students is August 1.
- Once the committee has approved a scholarship, the treasurer or principal notifies the family in writing of the amount granted.
- Parents submit an application to the school office. You can pick up the form in the school office or download it here:
Third Party Scholarships
Other churches and ministries may also provide scholarships to their CCA students from time-to-time. Check with your pastor or missions elder for available funds.
Bison Fund
The Bison Foundation makes funds available for families in Western NY to help defray the cost of private education. We require that any family who requests financial assistance from CCA first make application to the Bison Children’s Scholarship Fund. The new student application deadline is February 28. Visit to complete a scholarship form.
NOTE: You can still apply for assistance from CCA even if you are denied by Bison.
Visit the Bison Fund for more information.
CCA Recruiting Incentive – The Andrew Voucher
Current CCA families are eligible for a 10% tuition reduction for a new family they recruit that is ultimately enrolled at CCA. Recruited second or third families would add another 5% discount. The criteria for this incentive are:
- The new family recruited must meet CCA admission policies and have at least one new student enrolled at CCA.
- The new family must specify who recruited them.
- The recruiting incentive can be earned by any family, even if receiving other tuition reductions and financial aid. Incentives are given as tuition reductions beginning when the new family recruited is enrolled.
- The offering of this incentive and limits on the amount of incentives awarded are subject to the annual approval of the School Committee.
- All disputes will be handled by the School Committee.
Tuition Discounts
Some families may also qualify for one of these addition tuition reduction discounts.
- First Baptist Church members
- Central Christian Academy staff
- Active military
- Full time Pastor
- First Responders
Download our CCA Financial Information document for more details.