Tuition and Fees for 2025-2026 School Year

Tuition, fees, and related policies for the 2025-2026 school year are provided below. Please note: tuition includes all books and materials (other than registration and special fees). For questions or additional information, please contact Steve Perkins in the school’s Business Office at (716) 366-6634, or via email at

Download our CCA Financial Information document for more details about tuition discounts and scholarships.

We offer a $300 discount for each additional child in order to help families with several school age children. To determine total tuition for your family, refer to the chart below. Please note that the order of students (1st, 2nd, etc.) is determined by age, with the youngest student first.

Preschool (N3)
Preschool (K4) K5-4th 5th and up
1st Child $5250 $5250 $4300 $4650
2nd Child $4950 $4950 $4000 $4350
3rd Child $4650 $4650 $3700 $4050
4th Child $4350 $4350 $3400 $3750

Registration Fees

NOTE: Registration Fee will be $225 after July 1. The Registration Fee for each student is $200 through June 28. Early price of $175 if paid by April 30. Registration Fees are non-refundable and due at the time of acceptance or re-enrollment. This holds the seat(s) in the upcoming classes.

Additional Fees

Fees may be collected for special testing and all voluntary student activities that are not covered by tuition and other charges. Voluntary activities include, but are not limited to, items like lunch programs, before and after-school care, and special events. Students wishing to participate in any special field trips that are administered by CCA must pay the designated fees and any cash deposits that are determined by the administrator.

Before & After Care

$5 per hour with a minimum of charge of one hour. After the first hour, $1.25 will be added every 15 minutes. Invoices must be paid monthly to continue using the Before & After Care program.

Refund Policy

All registration and application fees, activities fees, and trip deposits are non-refundable. Tuition will be prorated through the month of transfer or withdrawal. Any prepaid tuition is also refundable.

Tuition Payment

Each family has four options for payment of tuition:

  • Annual Payment – Due August 1 and late on August 16. There is a 2% discount if you pay in full by the due date.
  • Semi-Annual Payment – First Payment due August 1. Second payment due January 1. A 1% discount is given on the second payment.
  • Monthly Payment – 10 Equal Payments beginning August 1 and completed on May 1.
  • Paper Billing Monthly – Paper billing requires an extra $5 per invoice mailed. Invoices are automatically emailed to the account you provide.

You can mail in a check, drop off your payment at the school office or pay online with a debit card, credit card or PayPal account using the link below.

Download the Tuition Summary Sheet to designate your payment plan choice.

Pay Tuition, Lunch Fees and/or Before & After Care Fees

Delinquent Account Policy

Tuition and Fees payments are due on their scheduled payment dates. Tuition payments not received on their scheduled due dates are subject to a $25 late payment fee. Any payments more than 30 days past due will result in students being dismissed from class until the past due account is brought current. Records and transcripts will only be forwarded to another school or college for students whose accounts are fully paid.