Back to Church Sunday
Back to Church Sunday is coming up on Sunday, September 8 at 10 am. We’re having a special day specifically designed to welcome people back to church; so now is a good time to visit First Baptist Church for the first time or to return again.
Our theme, “Together,” addresses the felt need in today’s culture. At some point, we are all searching for connection. Searching for a way to be part of something bigger than us. This is a time for everyone to experience the church as a place of belonging – rooted in restoration and unity brought by Jesus Christ.
Patriot Sunday – Saying Thank You to our Local Heroes!
Patriot Day is remembered on September 11 each year. During the 10 am worship service we will be honoring our local police, fire, EMT and other community heroes. Please pass the word – we would like to include any local community heroes!
“We know our EMTs, firefighters, and police officers make huge sacrifices every day for the people of our community. Today, we want to say thank you and honor their service,” said Pastor Mark Massaro.
Cookout & Prizes
After the service there will be a FREE cookout to thank our local heroes and help visitors and our members get to know each other. It will be a blast! There’s something for everyone: games, a raffle for great prizes, and fun for the kids and families.
Learn more at our website.