Central Christian Academy2023-02-08T10:04:39-05:00

Central Christian Academy

Partners with Parents

to provide a quality, biblically-based education which assists in the student’s academic, social, physical, and spiritual development.

Welcome to Central Christian Academy. Our desire is to meet the needs of your child and aid in his/her educational development while learning about our great God and the Bible, His Word. Our principal, teachers and staff are all followers of Jesus Christ who are both loving and kind, and seek to promote good discipline as well as aid your child in playing and sharing with others. Our school is built on the essential principle of cooperation with parents.

Central Christian Academy began over forty years ago as a ministry of First Baptist Church of Dunkirk in 1981 and shares its facilities. The initial goal remains the same: to provide an education based on a biblical perspective. The school is viewed as a ministry of our church to meet the needs of families in our community. CCA is governed by a School Committee chosen annually by the church membership.


What sets Central Christian Academy apart:

  • CCA provides over forty years of academic excellence and experience.
  • CCA partners with parents in “training of their children in the way they should go.” (Proverbs 22:6)
  • CCA provides a quality education based on the truths of the Bible.
  • CCA prepares students for their future by providing an excellent and balanced education.
  • CCA provides for the development of young leaders.
  • CCA proclaims that all knowledge and wisdom come from God and that the universe around them is in harmony and agreement with its Creator.

Upcoming Events

See You At The Pole – Day of Prayer

September 25 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

NO SCHOOL: Columbus Day Weekend

October 11 - October 14


Central Christian Academy partners with parents to provide a quality, Biblically based education which assists in a child’s academic, social, physical and spiritual development. CCA is a ministry of the First Baptist Church of Dunkirk and upholds Biblical truth and traditional evangelical beliefs. Our students come from a variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds.

Christian Philosophy of Education

1. To teach the Bible as God’s inspired Word and to develop attitudes of love and respect toward the Scriptures.
2. To teach the basic doctrines of the Bible; focusing on the major doctrines and allowing differences on the minor ones.
3. To encourage the pupil to accept Christ as personal Savior.
4. To develop a desire to know and obey the will of God as revealed in the Bible.
5. To equip the student to carry out the will of God in daily life.
6. To develop the mind of Christ toward godliness and to teach the students how to overcome sin.
7. To encourage the student to develop self-discipline and responsible behavior based on respect for and submission to God and all other authority.
8. To give a vision to the student for the task of evangelization and discipleship, and the opportunities to invest their life in God’s service.
9. To help the student to respect and be faithful to their local church and pastor.
10. To teach a respect for the Biblical heritage of our nation and constitution.
11. To help the student develop for himself a Christian world view by integrating life and studies with the Bible.
12. To teach the educational basics and provide other educational tools and skills so that the student may find their place and witness in today’s society.
13. To aid parents in the spiritual and educational training of their children by being an arm of the family along with the local church.

Central Christian Academy, as a ministry of the First Baptist Church of Dunkirk, NY, holds to First Baptist’s Statement of Faith which in
summary states:

  • We believe that the Bible is fully inspired and is the infallible Word of God and therefore our only authority in
    matters of faith and practice.
  • We believe in the Trinity of the Godhead; One God eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son and Holy
  • We believe in the personality, deity and work of the Holy Spirit; the Third Person of the Trinity.
    We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and God the Son.
  • We believe in the Virgin Birth of Christ; that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and therefore God manifest in the flesh.
  • We believe in His substitutionary death; that the Son of God gave “His life a ransom for many,” and “bore our sins in His own body on the tree.”
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; that He ascended and is now at the Father’s right hand as our Priest and Advocate.
  • We believe in the visible, glorious, imminent and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ to be Pre-Millennial and Pre-Tribulational.
  • We believe in the reality and personality of Satan.
  • We believe in the creation of the universe and man by God in six literal days.
  • We believe in the universal depravity of mankind; therefore in the necessity of regeneration through the Holy Spirit of God and Faith in Jesus Christ.
  • We believe in the immersion of the believer in water as the only biblical form of baptism, prerequisite to church membership; and the Communion of the Lord’s Supper as a privilege peculiar only to those obedient believers in Christ.
  • We believe that the New Testament order of a Gospel Church is a body of baptized believers, organized, independent, self-governing and voluntarily associated together for the service of God.
  • We believe in the Great Commission given by our Lord to His Church to evangelize the world, and that this evangelism is the great mission of the church.
  • We believe that the miraculous gifts given primarily to the apostles such as prophecy, speaking in tongues, miracles, and healing, were temporary and are no longer given following that period of church history.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection and translation of the believer at Christ’s return.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection and judgment of unbelievers after the Millennial Reign of Christ.
  • We believe in the eternal security of the believer on earth and eternal blessedness of the righteous in Heaven and eternal existence and punishment of the wicked in the Lake of Fire.

Note: In the classroom, questions as to doctrine are answered from these positions. However, in the curriculum we seek to teach the basic doctrines of the Bible held by all evangelical Christians; majoring on the majors and allowing differences on the minors. We do not put down someone who holds opposing beliefs.

National Recognition and Memberships

Central Christian Academy is a member of the American Association of Christian Schools and the New York Association of Christian Schools. CCA is governed by a School Committee chosen annually by the membership of First Baptist Church and reports to the Deacon Board of the church.

Latest School News

Join the many Grateful Students who acquired an Excellent Education at CCA!

Enroll in Central Christian Academy Today.

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