You can view our CCA teachers’ classroom Amazon wish lists below and purchase items to be shipped directly to the school.
Thanks for supporting our incredible staff as they seek to share their love of learning and God’s Word with our students.
Here’s how it works:
1. Use the table below and open the link for the faculty member you’d like to help.
2. Purchase an item through Amazon from their list.
3. It will ship directly to the school address
Teacher||Class||Wish List
Mrs. Grant N3 LINK
Mrs. Wise K4 LINK
Mrs. Leone K5 K5 LINK
Mrs. Sleggs 1st Grade LINK
Mrs. Narraway 2nd Grade LINK
Miss Oakes 3rd/4th Grade LINK
Mrs. Cettell 5th/6th Grades LINK
Middle & High School LINK
Mrs. Narraway Art LINK
Mrs. DeSanto CCA Secretary LINK
Mrs. Massaro CCA Wide LINK